Transportation and storage of polycarbonate sheets

شرایط حمل و نقل و نگهداری ورق‌ های پلی‌کربنات

Polycarbonate sheets are ultra-lightweight and can be easily transported. Some considerations must be made in their transport and storage, however, to avoid any damage.
Put flat polycarbonate sheets on suitable pallets during transportation. Then use a forklift. In the case of multi-walled and corrugated sheets, they should be fixed on flat metal sheets and then be transported by a forklift. Four people are required for manual transportation of sheets. The edges of the sheet should not take any impact.
Avoid dragging the sheet directly on the ground to prevent scratches.
Polycarbonate sheets should be stored on the horizontal pallets in a building with proper ventilation, kept away from the elements such as sunlight, rain, and wind. In the case of different dimensions, longer sheets should be placed beneath shorter ones. Polycarbonate sheets have a polyethylene coating to protect them against scratch and dust. Note that this coating should be removed after installation. Do not remove the sheet coatings before an inspection by an expert to ensure the correct installation. Long-term outdoor storage under sunlight or at high temperature results in the adhesion of the polyethylene cover to the sheets.

Sanat Plast is the largest producer of polycarbonate sheets in Iran.

Tel: +982174616

Factory: +9807733450301

All rights reserved to Sanat Plast Pars Lian Company.
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